For general enquiries please use the details below or submit a contact form.

General enquiries

The registered provider is:

Brighter Stays Limited

The principal office address is:

Brighter Stays Limited

Croft Chambers

11 Bancroft




Company Number: 13678223

Service Manager: Emmah Nyakurerwa

Nominated Individual: Jess George

Contact Number: +44 1462 415552

Our Admission process

  • The initial enquiry will come from a telephone call or email from the placing Social Worker or commissioning officer. If we have a vacancy, they will be asked to send through a profile or referral form of the young person that they wish to place.

  • During conversation and analysis of the profile between the Service Manager and Nominated Individual, will be identified if Brighter Stays is an appropriate placement. We will take into consideration the needs of the young people already in the homes, the young person potentially coming in, their needs how would they fit into the home, local area, any risks and whether the referral fits with our statement of purpose.

  • Further information may be requested to inform the decision and an initial visit to the young person will be made to assess whether they would be an appropriate match, such as risk assessments, pathway plan and a meeting with the social worker and current provision.

  • If the decision is that the young person may be suitable a matching assessment will be completed.

  • The Service Manager and nominated individual will arrange the moving in and transition plan for the young person with the placing social worker.

  • The young person’s, placing social worker and/or the family members (if appropriate) will be invited to visit the home and ideally this will be followed by an overnight stay for the young person unless the placement is an emergency, the manager will assess the immediate needs of the young person, on considering the support needs and resources required in meeting the needs a placement decision will be made on the suitability of Brighter Stays, such as pathway plan and all documentation, as previously mentioned

The registered provider is:

Brighter Stays Limited

Contact us

Phone:+44 1462 415552

Address: Brighter Stays Limited , Croft Chambers , 11 Bancroft , Hitchin , Hertfordshire , SG5 1JQ

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